How To Display The Author Box On Author Archive Pages

Molongui » Help » Molongui Authorship Docs » Author Box » How To Display The Author Box On Author Archive Pages

Author archives (aka Author Pages) are WordPress built-in pages which display a list of all posts written by an author. By default, they are displayed using the template provided by your active theme.

It makes sense to show author information on author pages, helping building credibility and strengthening your site’s authority among users. In this regarding, some themes show author information, like name, bio or social profiles, but most don’t.

In any case, you might want to display that author information just like you do on posts. That is showing the author box provided by the Molongui Authorship plugin.

Unlike posts or other pages you add to your WordPress site, you cannot edit an author page easily. So if you want to customize it you need to edit some PHP code.

To display an author box on an author page, you will need access to the template file being used to render the author page. That file is placed into your site’s theme folder and it should be called something like: author.php or archive.php. If none of them exist, then index.php must be the file.

Once open, just place the following code right where you would like the author box to appear:

if ( shortcode_exists( '[molongui_author_box]' ) )
    echo do_shortcode( '[molongui_author_box]' );

There’s no need to indicate the ID of the author because the plugin will show the correct one.

And you can override global author box styling providing here your own. Just use any of the available attributes. The example below would display the author box with a dotted border and a lightgray background.

if ( shortcode_exists( '[molongui_author_box]' ) )
    echo do_shortcode( '[molongui_author_box layout=stacked box_border_style=dotted box_background=lightgrey]' );

When adding any of the snippets to your PHP files, you might need to remove the opening <?php and closing ?> PHP tags.

Updated on July 27, 2023

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