Known Issues

The Molongui Deals for WooCommerce plugin works great with just about every plugin and theme, and especially with the most popular ones. However, some plugins are incompatible with Molongui Deals for WooCommerce or they might cause some functionality not to work as expected.

Here we listed the known plugin conflicts with Molongui Deals for WooCommerce and added an alternative to almost each of them. If you experience compatibility issues with other plugins please let us know about them.

Conflicts With Third-Party Plugins


Only one user has reported this issue and it was back in November 2019. Can’t tell if the issue persists.

Issue: Promoted product being removed from the Order while processing payment.

Cause: Unknown.

Fix: No fix available. Sorry.

Tip: If you use the GoPay payment gateway and have interest in Molongui Deals Pro for WooCommerce, check compatibility with the free version of the plugin. If they work well together, the Pro version will too.

Conflicts With Themes

Some themes, specially those which are not ecommerce-specific, might cause deals to be displayed weirdly when added to some locations, such as “Before Order Review” on the Checkout page.

Updated on February 28, 2022

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