Guest posting is great! It is a vital digital marketing tool for generating organic traffic and attracting the right audience to your website.
But, obviously, it requires you to credit the author for that guest content. And how do you do that? Well, you just add a new user account, right? But wait, is that the best way to go. Might it have any affection to your site’s security? And what if you have hundreds of one time contributors?
Truth is adding users accounts to credit guest authors is a security concern. So what to do? The Molongui Authorship Pro plugin makes it easy for you to convert to guest authors all those users accounts you had to add for authors who have contributed to your blog.
It only takes one click. Really that easy! See below how to convert a user to guest author:
- Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
- Go to the Users page.
- You will be presented with a list of all users in your site. Hover the name of the user you want to convert to guest
- The edit actions menu will be displayed
- Click on the Convert to Guest Author link
- Confirm conversion when being prompted
Bang! You’re done. That’s all it takes. A notice will be displayed when conversion is done. The once before user is removed from the Users list an added to your Guest Authors page.
All posts authorship is kept. So user conversion doesn’t mean their posts will be removed nor authorship lost.