What Is a Byline
The byline on a post gives the name of the writer. And that name is usually a link to the author page —a page listing all posts by that author.
Bylines are commonly placed between the headline and the text of the post, although they might be placed at the bottom, or even at the side, of the content.
When a post is written by one single person, that person’s name is the one displayed on the post byline. On WordPress sites, it is your theme the one responsible to display post bylines. Third party plugins may also display post bylines sometimes, though.
Byline Issues
Bylines issues may happen on co-authored posts. The ability to credit multiple authors for a post is not available on a WordPress site by default. It is the Molongui Authorship plugin the one providing that functionality. Molongui Authorship hooks into built-in WordPress functions to include the name of all the authors and make them link to their author pages. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work out of the box. When byline information is retrieved in a way that we cannot modify or overwrite, the byline will display wrong or missing information.
Keep reading to get to know how to fix byline issues.
Byline Integration
Theme and plugin developers are encouraged to integrate Molongui’s template tags into their code. Using template tags is the best way to go in order to avoid byline issues.
The markup returned by our template tags can be easily localized and customized with your own HTML snippets and CSS styles.
If you decide to integrate our template tags into your code, please add the snippet below to ensure that hacks added by our plugin to automatically support multi-authored post bylines are not run, preventing them to be executed at all.
add_filter( 'authorship/add_byline_support', '__return_false' );
Byline Fixes
Integrating template tags is not a trivial task. It takes some coding skills that you may not have. So if your bylines are displaying wrong information or linking to the wrong place, and integrating our template tags is not an option for you, please do as follows.
First, go to Authors > Settings > Advanced and find the Compatibility panel. Toggle on the “Enable byline compatibility” option and click on the Save Settings button. Check if the issues persists. If it does, try adding the snippet below to your child theme’s functions.php file (or wherever you think best):
add_filter( 'authorship/author_link/filter_version', 'v2' );
Get Help
If none of the solutions presented above work for you, just get in touch with us and we will do our best to try to help. Chances are that we will be able to find a fix for you, but please know that, in very weird cases, that is not possible and template tags integration is the only solution available. If that was your case, we could integrate them for you for a small fee.