How to display an authors list

Molongui » Help » Molongui Authorship Docs » Howto » How to display an authors list
Applies only to the Pro version of the plugin, release 1.3.5 or higher.
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Would you like to display a list with all the authors of your blog? May be just list guest authors? Molongui Authorship Premium allows you to display an authors list anywhere you like thanks to the use of a shortcode. Check out this doc to know how to use that shortcode.

Using the trivial shortcode, a flat authors list will be rendered showing the name of the authors as a link to their archive page. Check the shortcode and the output below:

Editor input


Frontend output

Author list "flat" style.
Author list “flat” style.

You can change how the list to display will look like by choosing between the three layouts available (“flat”, “basic” and “complete”). Let’s say you want to display the list using the “basic” layout. You should use a shortcode like this one below, which will output something like in the image:

Editor input

[molongui_author_list style="basic"]

Frontend output

Author list "basic" style.
Author list “basic” style.

How does the “complete” layout look like? And what would be the shortcode to display the list using it? Check it below:

Editor input

[molongui_author_list style="complete"]

Frontend output

"Complete" style list.
Author list “complete” style.
Updated on January 21, 2022

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